April 6, 2011

19 eighty four

Dystopian novels have been around since the 1930's. Nineteen eighty-four is not the first one ever written but is definitely one of the most well know and remembered. Coining terms such as "big brother". Matched by Ally Condie is a book that I believe will, one day, be as well remembered and feared as Nineteen eighty-four. We all know now, that a future such as the one written by George Orwell has not occurred... yet, but there is always another future awaiting us and always new possibilities for that future.
Through history, many different types of civilizations and governments have existed, some have controlled their people and some have allowed their people to be "free". It may seem that we have grown as a species and have become more autonomous but it may not last, it probably won't last. One day our world may be just like the one Condie created in Matched. I for one hope I am not around when that happens. I never want to live in a world where the ability to create has been abolished, where you don't get to choose where you live and what you do for a living, meals are sent to your house, friends are not allowed inside your dwelling and you can't even run in public... but most of all, I never want to live in a world where you can't even choose who you spend the rest of your life with.
During the first half of the book I was wishing there was a little more emotion and intensity but once Cassia's love interest started to build, I realized that Condie had saved the passion for just that. She was able to make even the smallest signs of affection feel like the most lascivious scene ever written. Every time the couple held hands or looked at each other, I would get chills. I can't wait to see where that passion leads them and if their love will be strong enough to take down the Society.