October 29, 2010

Book 43 of 52

One of my favorite authors is Ellen Hopkins... she may not write science fiction or fantasy but I have always loved her writing and story lines. She writes all of her stories in verse which makes it easy to read a very long book in only a couple of days. Fallout, her latest book, was amazing.

October 8, 2010

Book 42 of 52

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare took me forever and a day to read. The Mortal Instruments is a wonderful series and I am enjoying it a lot but it is very slow moving at times. With my busy schedule I just don't have the time to really sit down and fall into a book and it is even harder to do when the book is so slow. The characters are awesome and the world they live in is beautiful. I look forward to continuing with the series but I'm hoping for a little more action in the coming books.