March 23, 2010

Books 8 and 9 of 52

I know I am still behind but life finally caught up with me and now I am just trying to get back on track. I recently finished reading two books: Through the Looking Glass (another re-read) and The Twilight Graphic Novel. Even though I am behind... I'm still not worried. I go through bouts with my reading... I will read 5 books a week for a month and then nothing for a month. Its just how I am.
 I did however finish two of my larger crochet projects. A baby blanket and mary jane booties for my sister-in-law, who is due any day now and the Stewie Griffin doll for my husband.

March 9, 2010

Book 7 of 52

I am still quite behind with my reading but I am catching up and currently am in the middle of reading 3 books.
I did just finish a book... now I know I said I wouldn't re-read at all throughout this challenge but, Alice in Wonderland is an old time favorite of mine that I haven't read in ages, plus I wanted to have it all fresh in my head before I go to see the movie on Friday. There isn't much to say about Alice... I love this book, love the Disney movie, love the many other TV specials and movies made.
For my next big crochet project, I am going to design Alice in Wonderland inspired Ami's. But that will have to wait a little bit as I am currently working on 3 other projects and have 2 more to complete after that also.  This past week, I needed a break from my large projects. I stopped them for a couple of days so I could make my mom a new scarf, that she requested, as well as some mouse catnip kitty toys for Peanut, Raven and Bud.