June 29, 2010
Book 32 of 52
It gets a bit weird at times reading the series and watching the TV show at the same time. I have managed to not get confused between the two but I think that is because they are very different. I enjoy the show because it brings the characters to life (especially Ezra) but there are certain changes that have been made that I feel will ruin the story a bit.
Posted by PBRBTMG at 9:50 PM 0 comments
June 27, 2010
Book 31 of 52
Posted by PBRBTMG at 8:14 PM 0 comments
June 25, 2010
Book 30 of 52
Perfect by Sara Shepherd
You know a book is good when you don't even realize you are on the last page until you've finished it. That's what happened to me last night when I completed this book. I read the last line and stopped, leafed through the last couple pages containing the p...review to the next book and asked (out loud I may add) "its over? how? where is the rest of it?" While I read I often look to see how many pages I have left. But with Perfect, I was unable to stop reading long enough to check.
I had guessed who Ali's killer was a book or two ago but I have a strange feeling that there may be twist there also. I still can't put my finger on who A is, though and it's driving me crazy. As for Hanna, I had just started to like her. Her problems still seem completely petty and high school-like compared to the other girls' issues but she is started to become a real person to me. She has been so spoiled and stuck up until this book and that for me is a complete turn off.
Posted by PBRBTMG at 7:39 AM 0 comments
June 23, 2010
Book 29 of 52
Posted by PBRBTMG at 12:00 PM 0 comments
The Vampire's Assistant
When I finished reading the first three books in the Darren Shan series I watched the Vampire's Assistant right afterward. As a separate entity, the movie was pretty awesome. It was a good vampire story with a goofy side and it was pretty entertaining. But when you look at the movie as an adaptation of the books... it falls very short. The director didn't just make some changes for entertainment purposes, he changed almost everything. The kids were much older in the movie than how they were construed in the book. I love John C Reilly but he was not what I had expected for Mr. Crepsley. A big part of the book is how Crepsley is a lonely vampire but in the movie he is dating Madame Truska. The circus is described as being much smaller but in the movie it is huge with many more performers. Murlough and Mr. Tiny aren't in cahoots, at least not so far. Also, the way Darren Shan characterized Murlough really put a strong picture of him in your head. I saw a Wiley, odd, slightly crazy man who was very clever but in a psycho kind of way. I even had a voice for him... anyone who likes Buffy the Vampire Slayer will know who I mean... In season 7, episode 3 titled Same Place, Same Time there is a "monster" called a gnarl (he immobilizes his victims and then slowly pulls pieces of their skin off and eats them)... the voice of that monster is how I envisioned Murlough to sound.
Posted by PBRBTMG at 11:59 AM 0 comments
June 18, 2010
Book 28 of 52
Posted by PBRBTMG at 10:42 PM 0 comments
June 17, 2010
Book 27 of 52
The more I read this series the more it reminds me of R.L. Stine. That to me is a good thing. I have always loved R.L. Stine's writing. Shan is able to write a story that is considered horror without being too extreme for a young adult audience but that is still intriguing for older readers. The plots are not what you expect for a typical vampire book, which I feel is positive. The author has many different theories about how vampires are made and how they "live", none of which I have heard any other author use. He has a very fresh yet somewhat old school outlook on vampirism. I am excited to continue with the series and also to see the movie.
Posted by PBRBTMG at 1:37 PM 0 comments
June 15, 2010
Book 26 of 52
I hate to admit it but these books are actually pretty good. I managed to read the first book before the first episode had aired and of course that one episode covered all of the first book so I knew I had to read the next one quickly. But I had a couple of other books started first so I needed to wait, I only started this book Sunday and I had very little time to read it until Monday morning. But I managed to finish it before the show is on tonight. Luckily this series is very easy to read. I find myself getting very enthralled in these books. I'm not that fond of Hannah and I find it hard to put up with her parts of the story but I enjoy reading about the other 3 girls, especially Aria. I have so many theories as to who -A is but I still don't feel i know for sure. I guess I won't know for a while. I don't have book 3 yet so I will have to make a trip to the book store.
I thought I was going to continue to read the Sookie Stackhouse series now but I am afraid I will get myself confused since True Blood is back on the air. Even after only one episode, I can see just how different this season will be from the books (Just like the first 2 seasons).
Posted by PBRBTMG at 3:36 AM 0 comments
June 12, 2010
Book 25 of 52
Its funny how obvious it is when a man writes a vampire novel as opposed to when most women write one. There were no sparkling, brooding teenager vampires and no love story to speak of... yet. Though this book seemed to be a little younger than I normally... read, I feel like the next ones will become a little more intriguing. The first part of the book where the freak show was described, reminded me of a Goosebumps novel (horror type novel for younger kids), but once they explained how a vampire is turned it started to feel more like a Fear Street novel (horror novel for older teens with more gore and fear to it). I loved Fear Street as a child and that's why I feel this series may get better.
Shan has great new ideas about vampires and I think those factors will make this series more interesting.
All in all this book was an easy read that kept me involved through out and I am looking forward to seeing how the characters grow and what becomes of Darren and Steve's friendship.
Posted by PBRBTMG at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Book 24 of 52
Posted by PBRBTMG at 7:37 PM 0 comments
June 7, 2010
Book 23 of 52
Another day, another book. At least that is how it feels lately. I have been knocking them out very quickly.
The Sookie Stackhouse series has changed a lot, mostly in how it is written. The first couple of books had come up short and I was worried the whole series would be the same. I just completed book 6 Definitely Dead. The characters are well developed and extremely interesting and the plots keep you engaged through out the books. Though Sookie is an adult, she reminds me of myself in high school, or any other teenage girl for that matter. I could just picture her school books { I ♥
Bill Eric Alcide Sam Quinn. }
I do give her credit for not fully giving into each of these men, if they are all as good looking as they have been described... well... self restraint cannot be easy. I am very excited to see where these books go, what Sookie gets herself into next and which man she ends up with.
Posted by PBRBTMG at 10:46 AM 0 comments
June 2, 2010
Book 22 of 52
Only 30 books left to go!
I just completed Dead as a Doornail by Charlaine Harris
I have continued reading the Sookie Stackhouse series because I am really starting to enjoy these books and I just can't bring myself to start anything else until I finish all ten books. Sometimes I feel as though Harris has so many ideas that she wouldn't be able to get them all out before this series ends so she shoves ten story lines into one book. But just when I start to realize how much she has going on and think that it may be too much, she begins tying up all the loose ends and you notice how nicely everything comes together. I have found it very easy to figure out who the villains are and what is to come but I have this issue with most fiction, I think because I read so much that it just becomes very predictable
I just re-read this and I realized this doesn't seem like a good review of this book. But I really did like this book.
Posted by PBRBTMG at 3:55 PM 0 comments