I have officially fallen behind in my reading challenge. I just finished book six and I should be starting book eight at this point. Oops. I'm not worried though. I know I can catch up easily. Life has been pretty demanding lately. Lots of crochet projects in the works, my new school books are in and I need to keep on top of that, plus I have been trying to keep Michael and I from eating too much junk food so I have been cooking every night after I get out of work. Not to mention the fact that I recently became obsessed with the tv show Dark Angel. I downloaded all the episodes and for a week I watched nothing but Dark Angel.
Lately I feel as though books are not as satisfying to me as they once were. I love falling into different worlds and ignoring the one around me for a while but I have been having trouble finding books that really intrigue me. Have I become so cynical in life that it has started to affect my imaginary worlds as well? I hope not! Reading is my escape.
The book I just read is The Last Vampire by Christopher Pike. To me it felt like the author was trying to create something similar to Interview With a Vampire, but for young adults. I didn't really get into the story until the end. Then the main character thought up this crazy, far-fetched plan and once again, I lost interest. I really hope that the problem is sub par writing and not that I am losing my ability to enjoy fiction.
The photo shown if of the Omnibus for the series. It holds the first three books in the series. I will most likely continue with the series now, mainly because the books are short and i can easily catch up with them.
I can finally post the pictures of the birthday gift I made for my Uncle Roy.

Season 2 of Dark Angel inspired this poem.
I returned from my personal hell
back to my safest haven
only to find that the devil
is now coursing through my veins
When once I was the air you breathed
the one thing to help you strive
Now Loving me means you need extreme protection
You must treat me as the enemy just to stay alive
I hold my breath so as not to harm you
I take precautions that break my heart
My whole world is held behind your lips
yet one embrace with me would end your life
We Keep grasping at a hope
that seems non existant
Holding onto something
that we can't even touch.
(I'm still tweaking it. Not sure I am thrilled with it yet.)
This next poem I wrote back in 2004
Topless again
shameful again
disenchanted always
over... it's over
can never be used
to describe this
it never really began
Lay lifeless
Ignore it... him
pretend it isn't working
I'm not turned on
Sad again
broken again
disenchanted forever
fake, fake and plastic
can describe this
fake plastic feelings (like a song)
I'm wrong
this... is not fake
never was
Turned on again
disappointed again
always and forever
always and forever
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